
I have read a few posts related to driving which have had some really great advice, so I thought I would give my experience and tips for driving lessons/tests.

I’ll start with a bit of background about my experience. So, I had my very first driving lesson on my 17th birthday, with no prior experience I was extremely excited, but also a little nervous. I, like any 17 year old, had the intention of having a few lessons and passing first time – which, although this may be the case for many, as you’ll find out, was definitely not the case for me!

The first lesson was mainly just learning the controls and practicing steering on a quiet road. A few lessons later I finally passed my theory test (after 3 attempts) and was ready to book my practical test with some encouragement from my instructor.. However, I had a minor setback, a few days before my test, my instructor told me I couldn’t take his car for the test.. I was devastated, as this meant I would have to postpone my driving test. A few months later, after searching for a new instructor, I was back to taking lessons and again prepared for my practical test. With the test looming, I prepared the best I could.. Watching YouTube videos and following every piece of advice I could get from my instructor.. However.. On the day, the nerves got the better of me.. I failed. I was gutted, but I knew that I couldn’t give up. I had 2 more tests, both of which I allowed my nerves to get the better of me.. so I didn’t pass.

At the time, my confidence in driving had slowly deteriorated.. I was hesitant to continue my lessons.. I decided to find a new instructor, to find out what I could be doing better and get a fresh pair of eyes.. I thought, it had to be my technique or something that was letting me down. But, it took a while for me to gain the motivation to find a new instructor, my theory test had expired, which I took again and passed first time, thankfully! I eventually found a new instructor, whom I am currently taking lessons with. He has told me that there is absolutely nothing wrong with my driving, but I just have to work on my nerves on the day.. So my test is booked for the beginning of November, I will let you know how I get on with it.. 4th time lucky!!

Here are my top tips for anyone taking lessons or preparing for their driving test.

  • FIND THE RIGHT INSTRUCTOR – You should make sure that the person you intend to take lessons with is a fully qualified instructor. You should also make sure that you feel comfortable with them, and that their style of teaching suits your needs. Each instructor has a different way of teaching, so if you don’t feel like their methods are working for you, either speak to them about it or, if that doesn’t work, find a new instructor.
  • STAY CALM – Although I know this is easier said than done. Perhaps you could listen to your favourite song before the lesson/test, or do some breathing exercises (which can be done both in and outside of the car.)
  • TAKE YOUR TIME – When I first started lessons, I just wanted to drive. But everything goes so much smoother when you just take your time and think about what you’re doing, it also takes some of the pressure of.
  • IF YOU’RE NOT SURE, ASK! – Don’t just keep going and hope for the best, if you are not sure of something, it is much better for both you and the instructor if you ask. It also saves them from having to slam on the brakes if something were to go wrong. This also applies to directions, don’t be afraid to ask them to repeat the instruction, they will be more than happy to help.
  • DON’T GIVE UP – If you’re having a difficult time coming to terms with the gears, or it’s taking longer than you thought, don’t give up. You will get there eventually, everyone is different, so you just have to be patient, keep practicing and remain optimistic!
  • MAKE SURE YOU’RE READY FOR YOUR TEST – If your instructor suggests that you should book your test, but you don’t feel ready, tell them! They won’t be offended, and would be happy to go over the things that you may not be sure about. No point wasting money on the test if you aren’t ready to take it.

– “If at first you don’t succeed, try, try and try again!”

If you are taking lessons, or about to take your test – GOOD LUCK!! 🙂




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