26/10/17 – My day.

Today was my day off from college, but I still had to be up at 7am.. No long lies for me! 

9.15am – I went out on a driving lesson. I had my mock test today, as I only have one lesson left until my test – eek! – Which went very well! My instructor commented on how well I had progressed and said that he was confident about my driving ability – which made me feel much better about my test.

10.15am – I got home from my lesson.

12.30pm – Went to pick my sister up from school.

1.30pm – Got through a large amount of my college work!

4pm – Dentist.

6pm – Dinner – my mouth was still numb, so it wasn’t an easy task, haha!

7pm – Started writing this post.

8pm – Some more studying.

9pm – Netflix & Relax.

I am so looking forward to not having to be up early tomorrow, going to take full advantage of this rare opportunity for a long lie!

So that was my day in a nutshell.

What about you? Did you do anything exciting today? 

All the best,


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