My first week of university!!


I hope you’re well!

I know I haven’t posted for a while, and I don’t even have a good excuse, I just haven’t had any good ideas for posts – I can only describe it as writers block – even though I don’t really consider myself to be a writer, haha!

I am just about to begin my second week of university, and honestly, it has been kind of anti-climactic. I thought that I would start uni and feel some sort of change or something, probably due to the emphasis that’s put on being a ‘proper’ student and the buildup beforehand, but it feels just like being at college but in a different town!

That’s not to say that I’ve not been enjoying it so far, quite the contrary actually, It’s actually been such a relief to get back to studying and writing out notes and stuff, having a proper routine and not just lounging about 24/7 trying to find something to do – which I was doing all summer. Also, I’m only actually required to be on campus 2 and a half days a week, so I still have time to do other things too, so can’t complain so far.

I live about an hour away from the uni, so I’ve also experienced getting the train by myself for the first time, and finding my way around a whole new city. I got lost a few times, so it’s been quite an adventure. But this can also be a bit of a pain, for example; every other week I have a day where I only need to be on campus for one hour, which means I’d be spending more time travelling than in the actually being in the university. I decided to buy myself a tablet (which I’m actually using to write this post) , in the hopes of amusing myself when on the train, that’s the plan anyway.

On a Thursday, I have a 2 hour break between classes, so I think I’m going to finally start going to the gym during those hours (it’s free, so I don’t really have an excuse not to go.)

Anyway, this is just a mini update – I’m aiming to make my posts a bit more regular again, as I’ve been doing so bad at sticking to any kind of posting schedule lately. I don’t really like to draft posts, but I’m gonna try that and see if that works out any better.

That’s all for this post.

Speak soon,

All the best,


3 thoughts on “My first week of university!!

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  1. Aw, I didn’t go to a ‘proper’ university, I self-taught my degree through the Open University and after kind of wished I was able to do the whole ‘university experience’, but I know others have said similar about it being anti-climatic. It’s good that you’re enjoying it though and being back into a bit more of a routine with things to focus on. I think a tablet to amuse yourself on the train is a good idea, an hour’s travel is quite a lot if you’re not needed on campus for too long but it’ll all be worth it in the end. Enjoy it as much as you can – wishing you all the best with the next week ahead! 🙂
    Caz xx

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    1. Oh really? That’s great! My mum is thinking about doing Open University, it sounds really good, must of been hard work though, having to teach yourself? What did you get your degree in? & yeah, definitely! Better to use the spare time on the train for something productive eh, well that’s the plan anyway, haha! Thank you😊 You too!xx

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      1. Hard work but worth it. To be honest, because I wasn’t well, I couldn’t have done a ‘real’ university so it worked out well (though back then I had more focus and concentration, which you need for OU). I think your mum should definitely check it out! What does she want to study? I did Psychology 🙂
        Have a great weekend xx

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